Guidelines for Authors


Oral Presentation

We will provide a laptop (Windows with a current MS Office version), laser pointer and a data projector.

To ensure a smooth congress flow, the presentation should be transferred to the laptop and checked before the start of the session. It is also possible to use personal laptop but we kindly advise to use the conference one in order to keep the timetable and avoid delays.


Poster Presentation

Each poster board will have a number. Materials to mount the posters will be available at the conference office and the poster hall.

Poster Format:
Poster format: A0 (88cm x 118cm, portrait format)
The poster should have a Title, Author(s) name, and Institution (to be placed at the top of the poster area, the size of the letters should be a minimum of 25 mm). The letters should be 1 cm high and graph lines should be minimum of 1 mm in thickness. Poster(s) should be readable at a distance of at least 2 meters.


Contest „Students’ best Oral Presentation”

The three best oral presentations will be awarded by the Commission.


Contest „Students’ best Poster Presentation”

The three best posters will be awarded by the Commission. Posters will be judged mainly for their scientific content, but also for their visual quality.
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